Clicked at the launch event.
To create illustration to support "Everything Change - climate fiction contest 2020". The aim of the contest is to foster imagination of our future with the ongoing climate crisis on this finite and limited planet earth. "Everything change" term tries to get rid of the image that it's only climate that would change. This contest will culminate in an anthology with winning fiction stories about climate future. 

Project Team
​​​​​​​Editor: Joey Eschrich 
Design Strategy: Nina Miller
Designer: Venkatesh Lakshmi Narayanan
Project funded by IKEA (INGKA group)
The call for submission was well received with over 150 entries and outperformed previous years. A book with the same illustration artwork was published.
 I read the stories from early climate fiction anthologies published and the illustrations used in them. I learnt a lot about sustainability and the goals set by U.N to be achieved by the year 2030. Initial sketches were free hand interpretations of what I understood about how everything is connected in regards to climate and how the stories would help the ongoing effort to build conversation around this crisis. 
After creating rough sketches, I presented the raw ideas to the editor and design strategist of the project to choose, combine and provide their opinion to refine the ideas further. After this meeting I went on to combine ideas and illustrate the first digital versions. I created a set of icons mostly using single strokes and used them to make two illustrations for the next phase of review meeting.
Icon set illustrating micro and macro components that play important role in climate crisis. Most of them are made using a single continuing stroke. 
(left) Illustration of how conversations inspire our imagination & stories on climate future and how the stories would start new conversations. The conversation blurb was designed to resemble "bulb" - the common icon used for ideas.
(right) Our planet with few macro & micro elements that have major influence on the future of earths climate, inspired by UN sustainability goals.
Refined illustrations for final review phase. 
(left) The blurb was reshaped to more closely resemble a bulb.
(right) Color palette updated to be more uniform. 

(left) Finalized design to be used in all marketing and social media posts. 
(right) The color palette used. Having a pink background was inspired from the idea of "pink-slip", organizations used pink for "termination notice" and "letter of ownership/entitlement". The idea was to evoke a sense of ownership and being put to notice about the concept of "Everything change"
The final design has most of the icon made with a single stroke which are left unconnected to leave the whole form incomplete, the colors doesn’t overlap with forms to give registration a miss. All these conscious choices were made to convey the message that the ongoing crisis, however disconnected it may seem with other phenomenon, is actually connected. With every passing day, scientist are figuring out how some new environment, social or cultural change actually has its roots in changing climate, giving us a better understanding that everything is connected.
Flyer/handouts for promotion
Flyer/handouts for promotion
Contest announcement
Contest announcement
Final book cover
Final book cover

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